Turn units faster.

(Even the Smelly Ones)

Permanent Odor Elimination Services For Apartment Communities

Erase Lingering Odors

Minimize Vacancies

Delight New Renters

Smelly apartments are impossible to rent.

Apartments with tough pet, body odor, curry, smoke, mold, and mildew smells make potential renters run.

When those units sit empty, leasing agents lose commissions, managers lose bonuses, and owners lose profits.

Your current “solution” isn’t working

Standard Cleaning Services
Ineffective short-term odor masking
Ozone Treatments
Dangerous to humans and pets (EPA: “Do not use in occupied spaces.”)
Air Filtration Companies
Only treat airborne odors. What about surfaces?
Last Resort
Tear out and replace materials at a huge cost.

MonoFoil Pro is a guaranteed solution for apartment odors

Complete Odor Elimination

MonoFoil Pro destroys odors on hard surfaces and soft surfaces. Our technicians use professional electrostatic technology to apply a proprietary mist that eviscerates:

  • Allergens
  • Chemical Residue
  • Food Residue
  • Germs
  • Viruses
  • Other Odiferous Molecules

Permanent Results

The mist eliminates odor-causing particles. As it dries, it forms an antimicrobial surface layer that prevents bacteria from adhering long after application.

Fast & Safe, Guaranteed

Treated spaces are ready for new tenants in minutes. Our EPA-registered products are proven safe around people and pets, and used in schools and hospitals nationwide.
Apartment with All Clear Certified table tent

All Clear Certification

The All Clear Certification is your promise to renters that you’ve taken an extra step to ensure their apartment is free and clear of germs and odors. Communities with the All Clear Certification can proudly display their badge knowing every new renter’s unit will be guaranteed odor-free by MonoFoil Pro. 

Smelly apartments are a thing of the past with MonoFoil Pro Services


Never worry about an apartment sitting empty because of its smelly past ever again. MonoFoil Pro’s professionals take care of all the smells for you.

Choose your package


Emergency Service As Needed

All Clear

Treat ALL Unit Turns

Getting started is easy


Schedule Consultation With An Expert
Professional Application From Friendly MonoFoil Pro Technicians


Apartment is odor-free and ready to rent in minutes
Monofoil Gives Campaign

Cleaner and safer for all

We’re dedicated to making cleaner spaces a reality for everyone. Last year, we gave away thousands of bottles of MonoFoil D to local Indiana schools as part of our MonoFoil Gives campaign.

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Get started with MonoFoil Pro Services

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